If you are registered to march in a heavy division, you are required to carry 35 pounds in your backpack.

Please consider using food to use as weight in your backpack, such as:

  • Beans
  • Rice
  • Canned Food
  • Macaroni
  • Pasta

Clear tape MUST be used when wrapping food items for weight, food cannot be accepted when wrapped with Duck Tape, Gorilla Tape, Electrical Tape, etc.

Last year, over 29,000 pounds of nonperishable food items were donated to Roadrunner Food Bank and Casa de Peregrinos after the Bataan Memorial Death March. It is our hope that the individuals that will be packing heavy will consider packing nonperishable food items once again in an effort to increase the total donations.

TIP: Please don’t open bags of food and put the items into your own ziplock bags. Clear tape MUST be used when wrapping food items for weight, food cannot be wrapped with Duck Tape, Gorilla Tape, Electrical Tape, etc. Unfortunately, items donated without their original wrapping or completely encased in duct tape cannot be reused. Ingredient labels must be present.

Roadrunner Food Bank is the largest food bank in New Mexico, and with food donations from food drives, such as the one at the Bataan Memorial Death March, Roadrunner Food Bank is able to provide food to the six counties they serve in Southern New Mexico out of the Las Cruces branch.
In Southern New Mexico, Roadrunner Food Bank provides over 400,000 pounds of food each month to churches, food pantries, homeless shelters, group homes, and victims of domestic violence. In addition, Roadrunner Food Bank supplies food to individuals facing an emergency crisis, such as fire, loss of employment, victims of violent crimes, or any natural disaster. Those of you traveling, who are authorized commissary privileges can purchase these items at the White Sands Commissary or local grocery store once you arrive which will allow you to save on packing extra weight in your suitcases.