It’s the Must-Run of All Must-Runs

The Bataan Memorial Death March is the ultimate challenge and extreme test of endurance.  It takes grit, determination, perseverance and strength to conquer this punishing desert course… 26.2 miles of rugged terrain, high elevation and hot desert sun.  It’s the must-run of all must-runs.

It’s also one of the most unique and moving race weekends you’ll ever experience. That’s because it’s more than just a marathon.  It’s a march to honor the fallen heroes and the survivors of the brutal Bataan Death March of World War II.  It’s a chance to run, walk or march for those who gave their lives for their country, and to honor today’s heroes, veterans and fallen warriors.  The March is a humbling and moving experience – a time to honor the heroes of Bataan and to pay our respects to those that made the ultimate sacrifices to give us the freedoms we have now.

The Bataan Death March – 1942

On April 9, 1942, tens of thousands of Filipino and American World War II soldiers were surrendered to Japanese forces after months of fighting the Battle of Bataan.  The Bataan Death March followed, when around 75,000 prisoners were forced to march 65 miles, with little food or water, for days in intense jungle heat.  They were subjected to severe abuse, including beatings and torture.  Those who fell behind were executed.  Those who survived the march then had to face brutal treatment in prison camps or on “hell ships”.  Nearly 10,000 men died.

Nearly 50 years later, in the desert of southern New Mexico, a living tribute was created to honor those who were lost and those who survived.

Today, the Bataan Memorial Death March’s welcomes thousands of participants – from all 50 states and a number of countries around the world.  Participants choose between the 14.2-mile honorary march and the full 26.2-mile course.

It Takes Real Grit to Finish This Challenging Course

The Bataan Memorial Death March takes place on White Sands Missile Range in Southeastern New Mexico each year.  This isn’t just any marathon.  It’s 26.2 miles of rugged desert terrain, high elevation and weather that can be extreme – with high winds, hot desert sun, or cold temperatures possible.  Conquering this course takes a lot of determination, perseverance, inner strength and heart.

Course Stats: 

  • Full marathon length: 26.2 miles
  • Elevation change: 4,100 – 5,300 feet
  • Honorary course: 14.2 miles
  • Temperature: can range between 30 – 85 degrees
  • Winds: up to 50 mph
  • Completion time: varies between 3 and 14 hours for the full route
  • Average completion time: 8 hours 

Hear What Past Participants Have to Say

“Sunday morning was unforgettable, with the sun coming up, the flags waving, and surrounded by thousands of people who are proud to be Americans… people who knew just how important it is to say ‘thank you’ – by action not just words.”


“The spiritual uplifting of participating to honor those who have suffered for our freedom was amazing.”

“The hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. Never have I had to reach so deep inside my mind to accomplish something.”


“Completed 26.2. The elevation changes, terrain, oryx, wind and heat were killer.  My thought over the last 5 miles was, when this is over I can go home, unlike the thousands who died during the march and in the prison camps.”

“This was by far the toughest marathon ever attempted. The high-spirited marchers and real survivors added a motivation and patriotic pride unparalleled.”


“What an amazing experience!”


“One of the best events I’ve done!”

Register By March 3rd!

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Volunteer Opportunities

The Bataan Memorial Death March wouldn’t be possible without our large and dedicated team of volunteers. Each year, more than 1,000 people help run the event by volunteering in a range of different functions. Volunteering for the March goes beyond simply being rewarding – it can be a life-changing experience to support the thousands of participants that march in honor of the veterans of the original Bataan Death March and the sacrifices they made for our country.

If you’re looking for a volunteer opportunity that gives back in ways you could never imagine, this is the one for you.